Monday, July 7, 2008

So many updates! So Late!

Ok well, as I said when I started I am not great at keeping up with this thing.  I will start off with an update for June.  June pretty much consisted of VBS and building a swing set.  VBS took several months of planning and several weeks of preparation.  It went pretty well and I have already started working on next year.  Here are some pics of our Cactus Canyon.

After VBS was finally over Mitchell and I got to work putting together Aidan's big birthday present.  I was hot couple of days, and after some severe sunburn, this is what we ended up with.

Aidan loves it and as you can see he also loves red kool-aid.  That smile is just beautiful don't you think.

1 comment:

Three plus Me said...

Love the VBS theme and decorations! Where are y'all attending?